Our documents

Here, we've gathered essential information and downloads related to our share offer, community fund, and the operational details of our organisation.

If you need any further help, please contact us.

Share Offer Downloads

YCE share offer is now closed.

Community Funding Downloads

These are the documents to help decide how and where we distribute our community fund. If you have an idea that needs a grant we would love to hear from you. You can read the full community fund rules below and download an application form.

YCE Information Downloads

Please find here our documents regarding how we run our organisation.

YCE Policy Downloads

The full set of the policies that underpin our governance including codes of conduct, environmental, financial etc.

Get involved

We launched a community share offer in 2023 to fund the transfer of three nearby operational solar farms into community ownership. The offer is now closed.

It worked! - See more
Yealm Community Energy Bubble - Team
Yealm Community Energy Bubble - Town